Tanzanië COC-sertifikaat

In recent years, the Tanzanian government has made great strides in improving the business environment and opening up the economy. One of the most important steps in this process has been the introduction of the certificate of competence (COC) for business owners. The COC is a key to unlocking economic growth and creating jobs in…


What is an IECEE Certificate? An IECEE Certificate is a document that provides assurance that a product has been tested and certified to meet the requirements of a specific international standard. The certificate is issued by an IECEE CBTL (Certification Body Testing Laboratory) and is recognized by governments and other regulatory bodies around the world.…

soncap sertifikaat aanlyn

SONCAP-sertifisering word deur 'n akkreditasie-liggaam verskaf. Uitvoerders moet die HS-kode van die produkte wat verskeep word by die Vorm M-stadium verklaar voor SONCAP-sertifisering. Die sertifikaat word dan elektronies na die Nigeriese Standaarde-organisasie se portaal gestuur. 'n Invoerlisensie in Nigerië is 'n goedkeuringsdokument wat uitgereik is deur verskeie regeringsagentskappe wat ...

iecee sertifikaat soek

how do i get the iecee certificate? To obtain the IECEE accreditation certificate, the following documents must be submitted: IECEE CB test report for main products. The main product is the certificate issued by IECEE CB. Test report for plug/power cord (if available) Declaration of Conformity. Detailed pictures of the product. Prepare an Arabic guide.…

gso gcc sertifikaatowerheid

GCC-sertifisering is 'n tegniese regulatoriese vereiste vir alliansie-sertifisering wat deur die GSO-organisasie van die Seven Nasies Alliansie in die Midde-Ooste bepleit word. Tans word lokomotiewe, laespanning elektriese toestelle, speelgoed en drie kategorieë produkte beheer. Produkte binne hierdie omvang moet eers GCC-sertifisering verkry voordat dit na die Midde-Ooste uitgevoer kan word ...

hoe om sabelsertifikaat uit te reik

SABRE is 'n platform wat invoerders en plaaslike vervaardigers in staat stel om elektronies die vereiste sertifikate van ooreenstemming en verskepings van verbruikersgoedere, hetsy dit ingevoer of plaaslik vervaardig is, te verkry om die Saoedi-mark te betree. Die platform is ontwerp om besighede teen bedrog te beskerm en te verseker dat produkte vry is van defekte wat verbruikers se...