uganda pvoc sertifikaat koste

Requirements for importing products into Uganda Uganda requires that all regulated products imported into the country comply with the requirements of the UNBS PVoC scheme. Under the PVoC scheme, CoC is mandatory for customs clearance. To ensure the quality and safety of imported products and avoid harm to Ugandan consumers, the Uganda Bureau of Standards…

ul sertifikaat soek

What is UL certification and why is it important? UL stands for Underwriter Laboratories, a third-party certification company that has been around for over a century. UL was founded in Chicago in 1894. They certify products with the aim of making the world a safer place for workers and consumers. In addition to testing, they…

ul sertifikaat soek

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is one of the oldest safety certification companies in the world. They certify products, facilities, processes or systems against industry standards. In doing so, they have issued more than 20 different UL certifications for a wide range of categories. What is a UL Listed Device? When a product is listed by UL,…

ul goedkeuringsertifikaat

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is one of the oldest safety certification companies. They certify products, facilities, processes or systems against industry standards. In doing so, they have issued more than 20 different UL certifications for a wide range of categories. Do I need UL certification? It is not required by law to have a UL listed…

ul sertifikaat soek

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is een van die oudste veiligheidssertifiseringsmaatskappye ter wêreld. Hulle sertifiseer produkte, fasiliteite, prosesse of stelsels teen industriestandaarde. Sodoende het hulle meer as 20 verskillende UL-sertifiserings vir 'n wye reeks kategorieë uitgereik. Vereis u hardewareprodukte UL-sertifisering? UL-sertifisering is 'n Noord-Amerikaanse ...



Die Conformitè Europëenne (CE)-merk word gedefinieer as die Europese Unie (EU) se verpligte ooreenstemmingsmerk vir die regulering van die goedere wat binne die Europese Ekonomiese Ruimte (EEA) verkoop word sedert 1985. Die CE-merk verteenwoordig 'n vervaardiger se verklaring dat produkte aan die EU se nuwe benadering voldoen. Riglyne.