JCT is helping organizations to export worldwide with our certification services. Instead of web-based processes, JCT personally helps the organizations at every step of the certificate of conformity process. JCT also provides additional support services like product testing, inspection, Certificate, and Factory Inspection Training services. We have expert managers working for your certification needs and providing timely services.
Our experts are trustworthy business partners to work with your organization. They have the experience to provide Certificates for different countries. We work hard to find a solution that is best suited for your company at the same time as meeting the Certificate of Conformity requirements. We always ensure to do our best to provide the best certification service and customer satisfaction.
JCT is the pioneer company that started providing Certificates of different countries in China & hence the most trusted name in this industry. We facilitate your export activities by making the available largest number of Certificates under one roof. We always try to make the process easy & ensure fast movement of your export consignment. we have successfully done thousands of Certificate cases to date & always endeavor to add more services.
- Cychwynnwyd JCT yn 2003, ac mae wedi'i sefydlu ers 1990. rydym wedi bod yn gweithio ar ardystio a phrofi ers dros 15+ mlynedd o brofiad.
- Mae mwy na 500 o gwsmeriaid yn dewis Gwasanaeth JCT, rydym ni JCT yn cael mwy na 1000+ o dystysgrif i gwsmeriaid, ac yn arbed llawer o weithiau ac arian.Hefyd wedi helpu cwsmeriaid i gael mwy o archebion.
- Rydym yn hyderus y bydd y swydd yn cael ei chwblhau i'ch boddhad. Os am unrhyw reswm nad ydych yn gwbl fodlon gyda'r canlyniadau, byddwn yn trwsio'r mater ac ni fyddwn yn ystyried y gwaith a wnaed nes bod gennych wên ar eich wyneb!
- Peidiwch â phoeni am daliadau cudd ar y diwedd. Rydyn ni'n cyflwyno prisiau cyfradd sefydlog i chi cyn i unrhyw waith ddechrau hyd yn oed, felly byddwch chi'n gwybod yn union beth i'w ddisgwyl. Yr hyn rydyn ni'n ei ddyfynnu yw'r hyn y gallwch chi ddisgwyl ei dalu dim mwy.