Was sind die Inhalte des SAA-Zertifikatsaudits und was passiert mit den nicht zertifizierten Produkten?

With the continuous development of my country’s technological system, many products are also very popular overseas, so product exports have also become part of sales. The exporting country is different, so you need to prepare different qualification certifications according to the regulations of each country, and only after passing the certification can you obtain the…

Stehen die Kosten für das IECEE-Zertifikat im Zusammenhang mit dem ausgewählten Labor? Warum wird dieses Zertifikat verwendet?

IECEE is an electrical product certification standard promoted internationally. It is authorized by the International Electrotechnical Commission. Its main purpose is to carry out corresponding product experiments in various countries and obtain the IECEE certificate if it conforms to the standard. A product uses the same certification standards. After testing in any authorized place, a…