Was ist ein Soncap-Produktzertifikat und wie bekomme ich es?

Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Landes hat den Unternehmen Möglichkeiten zum Durchstarten gebracht. Mit der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung des Niveaus des internationalen Handels hat auch die internationale Entwicklung von Unternehmen einen besseren Frühling eingeläutet. Daher ist der Export von Unternehmensprodukten zu einem normalisierten Verkaufsprozess geworden. Nach Erhalt der entsprechenden Zertifizierung kann das Produkt…

Jct takes you to know everything about Saa certificate

Saa certificate is currently the most widely used information security certification system in the world, and it is also an internationally recognized information security certification body. what is saa certificate The SAA certificate is the certification of Australian safety standards, and products certified by SAA can be listed in Australia. The acquisition of the SAA…

fcc license grol

FCC licensing system The General Licensing System allows electronic submission of applications processed by the Commission. ULS allows you to indicate the purpose of the application and the radio service code, and guides you through the application process until the application is submitted. To obtain the FCC Commercial Operator License, the applicant must submit the…


What’s kind of product is regulated of Morocco COC

Please find out what product categories require a Certificate of Conformity for shipment to Morocco here. Conformity inspections in the exporting country: 1. Electrical appliances 2. Other electrical products 3. Construction materials (pipes, sheets, sanitary equipment, insulation, wooden panels, cement, windows, glass…) 4. Gas/oil appliances 5. Toys, parks and baskets for children, baby diapers, furniture…