Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is one of the oldest safety certification companies. They certify products, facilities, processes or systems against industry standards. In doing so, they have issued more than 20 different UL certifications for a wide range of categories.
Do I need UL certification?
It is not required by law to have a UL listed certified unit. However, this is a common practice as many large companies will only purchase equipment that passes UL safety testing.
Underwriters’ Laboratories, or UL as it is universally known, tests and evaluates components and products that allows a certification mark to be placed by the manufacturer. Most common are the “UL Listed” and “UL Recognized” marks.
How long does it take to get a UL product certification or listing? Usually about 6 months from the day you have a functional prototype. That said, it can take months (or even years) for you to have a prototype that technically meets all applicable UL standards.
- JCT wurde 2003 initiiert und besteht seit 1990. Wir arbeiten seit über 15 Jahren an Zertifizierungen und Tests.
- More than 500 customers choose JCT’s Service, we JCT get more than 1000+ certificate for customers,and save many times and money.Also helped customers get more orders.
- Wir sind überzeugt, dass der Auftrag zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit erledigt wird. Wenn Sie aus irgendeinem Grund mit den Ergebnissen nicht vollständig zufrieden sind, werden wir das Problem beheben und die Arbeit erst dann als erledigt betrachten, wenn Sie ein Lächeln auf Ihrem Gesicht haben!
- Don’t worry about hidden charges at the end. We present you with fixed rate pricing before any work even begins, so you will know exactly what to expect. What we quote is what you can expect to pay nothing more.