Costo certificato SABRE

If you are planning to export products to Saudi Arabia, it is essential to obtain the necessary certifications to comply with Saudi Arabian standards. One such certification is the SABER certification, which stands for Saudi Arabia’s electronic conformity assessment program. The certification is mandatory for many products and serves to ensure public safety and health.…

Costo del certificato COC Marocco

JCT is helping organizations to export worldwide with our certification services. Instead of web-based processes, JCT personally helps the organizations at every step of the certificate of conformity process. JCT also provides additional support services like product testing, inspection, Certificate, and Factory Inspection Training services. We have expert managers working for your certification needs and…

GSO GCC certificate technical regulations for children’s toys

In order to obtain a GSO GCC certificate for children’s toys, certain regulations must be followed. These include making sure the toys are safe for children to use, are made of non-toxic materials, and meet all applicable safety standards. Following these regulations helps ensure that children’s toys are safe to use and enjoy. To ensure…

Certificazione Africa

Sai cos'è un certificato PVOC keniota?

In qualità di paese relativamente sviluppato nel continente africano, il Kenya ha commerciato molto frequentemente con produttori nazionali per molto tempo. Tuttavia, dal 2018, molte aziende hanno scoperto che l'organismo di certificazione che gestisce la certificazione PVOC del Kenya è nel processo di certificazione e nei requisiti di certificazione. I requisiti sono molto severi, il che in realtà è...