soncap 製品証明書とは何ですか?また、その取得方法は?

国の経済発展は、企業が離陸する機会をもたらしました。国際貿易レベルの継続的な改善に伴い、企業の国際発展もより良い春を迎えています。したがって、企業の製品の輸出は、標準化された販売プロセスになっています。対応する認証を取得した後、製品を海外に持ち出すことができます。それでは、soncap製品証明書とは何ですか。見てみましょう。 Soncap 製品証明書は、ナイジェリアが規制対象製品に対して発行した対応文書の内容です。他の国の製品がナイジェリアの税関に入りたい場合は、取得する前に対応する証明書を申請する必要があります…


Want to save water at home? Check the Saudi Water Efficiency Label! Our labels ensure your home is water-efficient so you can save money and protect the environment. The Saudi government has introduced water efficiency labels for households to help protect this important resource. The label is similar to the energy efficiency label on many appliances and will help residents choose the most water-efficient products and save on water bills. All new homes and buildings must bear the Saudi Water Efficiency Label and will be prominently displayed on the front of the property. The label will give buyers and renters an at-a-glance look at how much water property is likely…


The label is part of the Saudi government’s efforts to improve water efficiency and reduce water consumption. By 2030, the government wants to reduce water consumption by 20%. The Saudi Water Efficiency Label is based on international standards and will help the Saudi government achieve its water efficiency goals. This is a voluntary program, but we encourage all manufacturers and consumers to participate.     Water is a precious resource and we all need to do our part to protect it. The Saudi Water Efficiency Label is a good place to start. Fatima was in the market for a new washing machine. She heard about the Saudi water-saving label and…

Middle East Certification


In daily life, the products we see will have a label introducing the basic energy consumption of the product. The basic energy consumption of the product is clearly marked on the above, which is more convenient for consumers to understand and distinguish the product. The Saudi water efficiency label and the energy efficiency label we have seen are the same type of direct display of product energy consumption.     In 2015, Saudi Arabia proposed new implementation standards for toilets. Starting in 2018, Saudi Arabia will restrict faucets, shower toilets and other products in accordance with the implementation standards of the letter. These products must have clear water effects on…