Что нужно знать о сертификате FCC

How to get FCC certification? There are three verification procedures for FCC certification: prior inspection, obtaining a declaration of conformity, and certification. It seems that the FCC and TCB (Telecommunications Certification Body) handle the inspection process. However, in practice, it is up to the TCB to verify the technical documentation of the electronic equipment and…

Everything you know about SAA certification

SAA is accredited by the New Joint Accreditation Agency of Australia and New Zealand (JAA NZ). This enables us to provide a regulated electrical equipment certificate, a safety certificate for electrical equipment demonstrating compliance with applicable Australian/New Zealand standards. required and recognised in Australia and anywhere. Product Safety Certification Australia does not have a unified…

Кения заявление на получение сертификата PVOC

PVoC verifies the compliance of all regulated products and enforces its standards. The benefits of PVoC are: Simplified customs clearance process. Avoid importing unsafe, substandard and/or counterfeit goods. Value for money is guaranteed as the goods are inspected and tested before being exported. Obtaining your PVoC certificate is to confirm compliance with Kenya’s import requirements,…

Нужна ли мне сертификация FCC?

what is fcc certification FCC certification is a product certification for electronic and electrical products manufactured or sold in the United States. It certifies that the radio frequency emitted by the product is within the limits approved by the Federal Communications Commission. Manufacturers must ensure that their products do not interfere with other products and…