Етикетка ефективності використання води в Саудівській Аравії

Saudi Arabia is one of the driest countries in the world, and its water resources are becoming increasingly scarce. In order to conserve water and promote efficient water use, the Saudi government has instituted a water efficiency labeling program. What is the Saudi Water Efficiency Label? The Saudi Water Efficiency Label (SWEL) is a government-issued…

Сертифікат PVoC Уганди

The Uganda PVoC Certificate is an important document that proves the quality of goods exported from Uganda. The certificate is issued by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards and is recognized by all member states of the World Trade Organization. Uganda PVoC Certificate is a company that provides PVoC Certificate services. PVoC Certificate is a…

Сертифікат COC Танзанії

In recent years, the Tanzanian government has made great strides in improving the business environment and opening up the economy. One of the most important steps in this process has been the introduction of the certificate of competence (COC) for business owners. The COC is a key to unlocking economic growth and creating jobs in…

Сертифікат COC Марокко

The COC Certificate in Morocco is an important document that proves the company’s compliance with the country’s commercial regulations. Obtaining this certificate is a requirement for all businesses operating in Morocco, and it is issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and New Technologies. Morocco is a country located in North Africa. It is considered…

Сертифікат IECEE

What is an IECEE Certificate? An IECEE Certificate is a document that provides assurance that a product has been tested and certified to meet the requirements of a specific international standard. The certificate is issued by an IECEE CBTL (Certification Body Testing Laboratory) and is recognized by governments and other regulatory bodies around the world.…