Сертифікат COC Танзанії

In recent years, the Tanzanian government has made great strides in improving the business environment and opening up the economy. One of the most important steps in this process has been the introduction of the certificate of competence (COC) for business owners. The COC is a key to unlocking economic growth and creating jobs in…

Чи потрібна сертифікація FCC для рисоварок?

1. What is FCC certification? FCC stands for Federal Communications Commission. It coordinates domestic and international communications by controlling radio, television, telecommunications, satellite and cable, and is responsible for authorizing and regulating radio frequency transmission equipment and equipment used by the federal government. It covers more than 50 U.S. states, Columbia and territories to ensure…

проблема сертифікації FCC

FCC certification requirements for radio products Manufacturers of radio products must certify their products to ensure they comply with regulatory frameworks for global markets, including the US (regulated by the FCC) and Europe (regulated by the European Union). While there are many overlapping considerations when it comes to product compliance, there are significant and different…

Що потрібно знати про сертифікат FCC

How to get FCC certification? There are three verification procedures for FCC certification: prior inspection, obtaining a declaration of conformity, and certification. It seems that the FCC and TCB (Telecommunications Certification Body) handle the inspection process. However, in practice, it is up to the TCB to verify the technical documentation of the electronic equipment and…

Усе, що ви знаєте про сертифікацію SAA

SAA is accredited by the New Joint Accreditation Agency of Australia and New Zealand (JAA NZ). This enables us to provide a regulated electrical equipment certificate, a safety certificate for electrical equipment demonstrating compliance with applicable Australian/New Zealand standards. required and recognised in Australia and anywhere. Product Safety Certification Australia does not have a unified…

сертифікат ліцензії FCC

FCC License means all authorizations, licenses and licenses issued to Issuer or any of its subsidiaries by the Federal Communications Commission or any governmental agency that supersedes it, pursuant to which Issuer or any of its The subsidiary is authorized to launch and operate any of its satellites. What is required for FCC certification? FCC…

сертифікат ліцензії FCC

The General Licensing System allows electronic filing of applications processed by the Commission. ULS allows you to indicate the purpose of the application and the radio service code, and guides you through the application process until the application is submitted. The FCC coordinates domestic and international communications by controlling radio, television, telecommunications, satellite and cable.…