
中国の輸出業者にとって、サウジアラビアに輸出される製品に必要な認証はSASOでしたが、サウジアラビアのSABRE認証はアップグレードされた認証システムです。つまり、現在の市場の変化に基づいて、サウジアラビアに輸出する企業に関連するコンプライアンス認証です。 SABRE認証サウジアラビアが提案された後、以前の認証計画と比較してどのような変化がありましたか。時代の発展に伴い、ネットワーク技術は絶えず発展しているため、企業がより良い発展を遂げるためには、より高度な輸出方法と認証要件を理解する必要があります。たとえば、中国の輸出貿易会社には…


国際貿易の継続的な発展に伴い、中国で輸出貿易を行う企業がますます増えています。わが国の製品の多くは海外で販売されています。重要な輸出国であるサウジアラビアは、製品の輸出入に関しても厳しい規制を設けています。ネットワーク技術の継続的な発展に伴い、SABRE証明書の出現により、認証方法がより簡単で便利になり始めました。サウジ製品の認証関係から、SABRE認証は元の認証に基づくアップグレード版であることがわかります。その後、新しい証明書を使用することで、元の SASO 認定プログラムは完全に置き換えられます。 SABRE適合認証プログラムは…


各国は、自国の事情に応じて該当する商品の評価基準を策定しており、基準を満たした商品のみが流通しています。では、SABRE証明書とは何ですか?SABRE証明書を取得するにはどうすればよいですか? SABRE 証明書は、サウジアラビアが非現地企業からの製品の輸入に必要とする証明書です。つまり、他の国の製品が販売のためにサウジ市場に参入したい場合、最初にSABRE認定に合格する必要があり、要件を満たしている場合にのみ参入できます.市場へ。スクーターなどのSABRE証明書を取得する方法、企業は提出する必要があります…

ul 承認証明書が必要な理由と重要性は?

UL認証について知りたいですか? UL証明書が重要であることをご存知ですか? Insurer Laboratories (UL) は、製造元データにマークされたコンポーネントと製品をテストおよび評価することで知られています。 UL認定製品に適用できるため、旅が楽になります。製品が異なれば、機能するために必要な認証の種類も異なります。 UL認証を取得すると、ビジネス上の問題を解決するチャンスが増えます。このブログでは、UL 証明書について学び、中国での製品の輸出入における UL 証明書の重要性を理解します。さらに、UL 証明書の種類とその利点についても学びます。 1.UL認証とは? UL(保険会社…

ビジネスで FCC 安全証明書を取得する方法

what is fcc certificate An FCC Safety Certificate is a document issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that certifies that a specific electronic device complies with the safety requirements set by the FCC. It’s important to know that not all electronic devices are required to have an FCC safety certificate, and those that do may not have one in every country they’re sold in. How to judge whether the product has FCC safety certificate? When you’re planning to buy new electronics, it’s important to make sure it has an FCC safety certificate. This certificate indicates that the product has been tested and meets the safety standards established by the…

How can I get FCC certificate

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency in the United States that regulates the telecommunications, television, and radio broadcasting industries. The certificate is an important business of the FCC. By issuing the FCC certificate, the FCC can effectively supervise the telecommunications, television and radio broadcasting industries. What is an FCC certificate The FCC certificate is a safety standard certificate for communication products, issued by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC certificate is a prerequisite for the import, sale or use of some specific communication products, and only communication products certified by the FCC can be sold in the US market. Obtaining an FCC certificate means that…

Jct takes you to know everything about Saa certificate

Saa certificate is currently the most widely used information security certification system in the world, and it is also an internationally recognized information security certification body. what is saa certificate The SAA certificate is the certification of Australian safety standards, and products certified by SAA can be listed in Australia. The acquisition of the SAA certificate is the requirement of the Australian government for the safety standards of imported products. SAA certified products are recognised by the Australian Government for their quality and safety performance. Through SAA certification, product importers can use the “SAA” mark, which helps to improve the competitiveness of products in the Australian market.   Saa certificates…

Do rice cookers need fcc certification?

1. What is FCC certification? FCC stands for Federal Communications Commission. It coordinates domestic and international communications by controlling radio, television, telecommunications, satellite and cable, and is responsible for authorizing and regulating radio frequency transmission equipment and equipment used by the federal government. It covers more than 50 U.S. states, Columbia and territories to ensure the safety of radio and wireline communications products related to life and property. 2. Which products require FCC certification? 1). Personal computer and peripheral equipment (monitor, keyboard, mouse, adapter, charger, fax machine, etc.) 2). Household electrical equipment (bread machine, popcorn machine, juicer, food processor, slicer, electric kettle, electric pressure cooker, etc.) 3). Audio-visual products (radio,…


What is UL certification? UL was founded in 1894. In the initial stage, UL mainly relied on the funds provided by the fire insurance department to maintain its operations. It was not until 1916 that UL was completely independent. After nearly a hundred years of development, UL has become a world-renowned certification body with a set of strict organizational management systems, standard development and product certification procedures. UL is governed by a council of representatives from safety experts, government officials, consumers, education, utilities, insurance, and standards departments, with day-to-day operations handled by the president and vice president. At present, UL has five laboratories in the United States, headquartered in Northbrook…

What you need to know about the FCC certificate

How to get FCC certification? There are three verification procedures for FCC certification: prior inspection, obtaining a declaration of conformity, and certification. It seems that the FCC and TCB (Telecommunications Certification Body) handle the inspection process. However, in practice, it is up to the TCB to verify the technical documentation of the electronic equipment and to check the test reports carried out in an authorized test laboratory. The FCC certificate will only be issued after compliance has been confirmed.     Criteria for obtaining a certificate All specific regulations that must be followed in order to obtain the FCC mark are listed in Title 47 of the Code of Federal…