
SAA Approvals is accredited by the Joint Accreditation Service of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) as a third-party certification body. SAA Approvals is now gazetted by the NSW Office of Fair Trading Department of Commerce as a Recognised External Approvals Scheme. This allows us to issue Certificates of Approval for declared and non-declared electrical equipment that has proven to comply with the safety requirements of the applicable Australian Standard and be fully accepted throughout Australia and New Zealand. Our focus is on Electrical Product Safety Approval Certification which allows the sale of electrical equipment, accessories, and appliances in Australia and New Zealand. Our company is privately owned and totally independent…

ケニア PVoC 証明書

The PVoC must be available upon the arrival of a shipment to Kenya.  Where it arrives without the PVoC, or where it is issued with a date later than the shipment’s arrival, it will be presumed that the procedures for the pre-export verification were not followed and the importer will automatically be assessed a 15% penalty on the CIF value.  They will be further required to post a redeemable bond of a similar amount pending the import’s quality verification. Both the Kenya Revenue Authority and Kenya Bureau of Standards (“KEBS”) have oversight of this new rule, the latter which administers the “Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to Standards” program for exports to Kenya.  As…


Topics covered in the Standard include safety case construction, risk analysis, safety-relevant aspects of the design process, testing, tool qualification, autonomy validation, data integrity, human-machine interaction (for non-drivers), and life cycle concerns, metrics, and conformance assessment. Security is addressed as a requirement, but details are currently outside the scope of the proposed Standard. Conversely, UL 4600 does not cover performance criteria or define pass/fail criteria for safety; nor does it benchmark the road testing of prototype vehicles. The standard does not set acceptable risk levels nor set forth requirements for ethical product release decisions and any ethical aspects of product behavior. UL 4600 remains technology-neutral, meaning that it does not mandate the…


SABRE システムは、サウジアラビアへの輸入のオンライン認証を容易にする新しい必須の輸入業者ベースのコンピューター システムです。長期的な計画では、SABRE がサウジの税関を通過する唯一の商品通関システムとなり、SASO COC に取って代わります。サウジアラビア王国に到着するすべての貨物には、製品 CoC と出荷 CoC が SABRE を通じて発行される必要があります。現在、サウジアラビアに本拠を置く輸入会社は、会社、製品、および出荷をシステムに登録する責任があります。


サウジアラビアに製品を輸出する企業にとって、SASO 品質マークとガルフ マークの 2 つの認証マークが関心を引く可能性があります。 SASO 品質マークの使用は、製品の生産がサウジの基準に継続的に準拠していることを保証できる効果的な管理システムを持つ企業の製品に対してライセンスを付与することができます。さらに、企業は、品質マークの一般的な技術規則の規定と製品の付与手順を遵守する必要があります。興味深いことに、企業がライセンスを受け取ると、企業はライセンスに製品を追加したり、いつでもライセンスをキャンセルしたりできます。

モロッコ COC 証明書の費用

JCT is helping organizations to export worldwide with our certification services. Instead of web-based processes, JCT personally helps the organizations at every step of the certificate of conformity process. JCT also provides additional support services like product testing, inspection, Certificate, and Factory Inspection Training services. We have expert managers working for your certification needs and providing timely services. Our experts are trustworthy business partners to work with your organization. They have the experience to provide Certificates for different countries. We work hard to find a solution that is best suited for your company at the same time as meeting the Certificate of Conformity requirements. We always ensure to do our…