Сертификат САА

SAA Approvals is accredited by the Joint Accreditation Service of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) as a third-party certification body. SAA Approvals is now gazetted by the NSW Office of Fair Trading Department of Commerce as a Recognised External Approvals Scheme. This allows us to issue Certificates of Approval for declared and non-declared electrical equipment…

UL Certificate

Topics covered in the Standard include safety case construction, risk analysis, safety-relevant aspects of the design process, testing, tool qualification, autonomy validation, data integrity, human-machine interaction (for non-drivers), and life cycle concerns, metrics, and conformance assessment. Security is addressed as a requirement, but details are currently outside the scope of the proposed Standard. Conversely, UL 4600…

saber certificate sample

The SABER system is a new mandatory importer-based computer system facilitating online certification of imports into Saudi Arabia. The long-term plan is for SABER to become the only system for clearing goods through Saudi customs and replace the SASO COC. All shipments arriving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will require a Product CoC and…

Стоимость сертификата COC в Марокко

JCT is helping organizations to export worldwide with our certification services. Instead of web-based processes, JCT personally helps the organizations at every step of the certificate of conformity process. JCT also provides additional support services like product testing, inspection, Certificate, and Factory Inspection Training services. We have expert managers working for your certification needs and…