Microwave oven SAA certificate requirements

Microwave ovens are one of the most common household appliances. If you want to buy a new microwave, you need to make sure it has an SAA certificate. All microwave ovens sold in Australia and New Zealand require an SAA certificate and indicate that the oven has been tested and approved by an accredited body.…

Преимущества наличия сертификата IECEE для вашей продукции

The IECEE certificate provides many benefits for the product. It ensures product safety and meets international standards. This certification is crucial to many products, especially export products. The IECEE certificate provides consumers with quality assurance and helps companies compete in the global market. For products that need IECEE certificates, some steps must be taken to…

Saudi Water Efficiency Labels Control Water Recycling

The label is part of the Saudi government’s efforts to improve water efficiency and reduce water consumption. By 2030, the government wants to reduce water consumption by 20%. The Saudi Water Efficiency Label is based on international standards and will help the Saudi government achieve its water efficiency goals. This is a voluntary program, but…